Cost of Divorce in Georgia

The cost of a Georgia divorce varies from case to case. This is due to a large number of factors that impact the total cost of a Georgia divorce. The factors that affect the cost of a divorce in Georgia include, but is not limited to, court fees, attorney fees, document preparation fees, trial fees, and other expenses related to settlement of a case such as mediation. For these reasons you should look at total divorce cost.

It is imperative to contact the clerk’s office in the County in which you file in order to obtain the exact filing fee. The court fee is less than $300. We will give you instructions on who to contact along with their contact information.

How can I save money on my Georgia divorce?

You can save on a divorce in Georgia by completing your divorce by agreement. By reaching an agreement you do not have to pay attorneys to litigate the issues of your divorce. By not overpaying for attorney services and fees you can control the cost of your divorce. Keep in mind that most all divorce cases end by agreement even if you spend thousands preparing for a court battle. In such cases you spend all your money paying an attorney to assist you in reaching an agreement with your spouse.

What is an agreed divorce?

An agreed divorce is where you and your spouse reach an agreement on the issues of your divorce before you file for your divorce. The agreement should cover how you would divide your marital property and debts and if you have children determine how you will handle child support timesharing. By reaching this agreement you can save thousands by completing an uncontested divorce.

What does this website offer?

Through this website you can begin your uncontested divorce process online. You simply answer a series of questions and then submit your answers. Our legal team will then prepare all the paperwork for you to include detailed instructions for filing and finalizing your divorce by mail with no court appearance required.

What does your service cost?

There are three services required to complete our online process. You pay per step. Step 1 (attorney drafting your divorce documents) can be paid via a single payment of $195 or via two payments of $99. Step 2, (signing and notarizing your documents online) is paid via a single payment of $70. And, Step 3 (e-filing of the paperwork with the court and attorney management of your agreed divorce with the court), the service fee is $75. The court fee is separate. The court fee may be waived by the court if you qualify. If you would like to apply for a filing fee waiver, please ask us to provide you with the waiver document.