About Uncontested Divorce in Georgia Online

An uncontested divorce in Georgia may also be referred to as an agreed divorce. Generally divorce falls into three general categories: uncontested divorce, contested divorce or missing spouse divorce.

What is Uncontested Divorce in Georgia?

In Georgia an uncontested divorce indicates that you and your spouse have reached an agreement on how to divide your property and debts, and are working together to dissolve your marriage without litigation. With an agreed divorce both spouses must sign all the paperwork and work together to navigate the mandatory court procedures in the most efficient manner possible. Also, if there are any minor children, born or adopted to you and your spouse, you and your spouse need to be in agreement about how to handle custody (called timesharing in Georgia) and support. In most all uncontested divorce cases in Georgia the couple simple agrees to follow the Georgia child support guidelines.

Most divorce cases ultimately end with the parties reaching an agreement before an actual trial. Very few cases, including high net worth divorces, celebrity divorces, etc actually result in a trial. The court encourages parties to reach agreement and often mediation and settlement meetings are standard before any trial occurs. Litigating with your spouse can be expensive especially if you both have expensive lawyers. For these reasons, it is usually wise to reach an agreement with your spouse as soon as possible and it’s an effective way to control and even reduce the cost of divorce.

However, if you and your spouse have a lot of assets (home, retirement accounts, business, etc) or other complex issues it is prudent to always speak with an attorney before reaching any agreement with your spouse. By talking to an attorney about your situation you can ensure your personal best interests are being considered. An experienced family law attorney can also explain your legal options.

If you have reached an agreement with your spouse and simply need or desire assistance in completing all the legal paperwork and instructions on finalizing your divorce with the court you should consider this website. You simply answer questions online and all the paperwork is prepared for you. You can have all the paperwork reviewed by the online attorney to ensure it is appropriate for your personal situation and circumstances. Simply print and sign the papers and mail them to the court. No court visits are required and you do not have to appear in court before the judge. The judge will sign your divorce decree ending your marriage. We provide all the instructions you need to complete your divorce by mail using our Georgia Divorce Online service.

See if you qualify to use Georgia Divorce Online for your uncontested divorce in Georgia.